Sport Performance
The program is aimed at individuals engaging in intense physical activity, whether as an amateur or at the professional level, and who wish to improve their athletic performance. It begins with a diagnostic phase that includes cognitive tests, functional and biomechanical tests analysing posture and movement quality, blood analyses, and a cutting-edge, highly accurate body densitometry.
Based on the test results, a tailor-made program is developed, including one-on-one sessions with an athletic trainer and personal trainer, cryotherapy, and cognitive exercises aimed at improving agility and reflexes. The program is completed with a diet specifically designed for athletes, massages, and hydro-mud therapy. The treatments are supervised by specialized medical personnel.
What is included in the programme
Personal training
Nutrition consultation
Post-treatment stage nutrition plan
Medical visits
Energetic awakening in the morning
Relaxation in the pool, sauna, and hammam area
Fitness and indoor group physical activities
E-bikes and outdoor group physical activities

The proposed menu is specifically designed using essential nutrients such as healthy fatty acids, antioxidants, vitamins, and minerals. It is tailored for individuals engaging in intense physical activity, such as athletes or those involved in professional training. The main goal is to optimize physical and athletic performance while preventing conditions that predispose to muscle injuries by providing the body with the right nutrients and the necessary caloric intake. Portions and food selections are carefully curated by a team of nutrition experts, who create a balanced dietary plan to meet the specific needs of those who partake in intense physical activity. While the focus is on healthy and detoxifying nutrition, this menu does not include the typical “liquid diet” phase of a detox program but instead incorporates an afternoon nutritional break to support the energy required for the training schedule.
It is a modular digital mirror that enables objective and scientific movement analysis. Thanks to the body recognition software and stabilometric force platform, it is possible to obtain precise and reliable real-time data on every movement performed. Artificial intelligence, which recreates the human body in 3D, allows for the monitoring of not only the quantity of movement, but the quality of movement too – evaluating it according to specific parameters. This system provides customized programs for training and improving sports performance, boosting strength and balance through postural and functional training exercises designed to involve the entire body, while also promoting harmonious recovery and enhancing overall motor skills.

An innovative method that uses advanced technology to analyze gait, pelvic position and dynamic control of body stability. It effectively identifies postural defects such as problems with foot placement and leg movement. It monitors and corrects movements in real time using advanced sensors and artificial intelligence. This analysis provides key information in order to perform exercises targeted towards preventing problems with the spinal column and musculoskeletal system.
The cognitive assessment consists of an examination of the athlete's current cognitive functions, through an evaluation of the general aspect and all cognitive aspects (e.g., attention, reaction speed, memory, concentration) carried out on a computer and analyzed by artificial intelligence (AI). The results of the first evaluation are stored, and the exam is repeated at the end of the week after performing a series of specific exercises for the skills that were found to be deficient during the test.

It is able to identify with great precision data regarding the health of the bone structure, the composition of the tissues and the distribution of body fat thanks to a sophisticated scanning system. The survey provides the doctor with important data to establish a personalised treatment path. The DEXA/Scan is a radiographic exam that allows determining:
- The bone density and thanks to this special feature it represents a useful test for diagnosing osteoporosis or osteopenia.
- The weight and the percentage of lean mass and fat mass in different body areas.
- The layer of bone mineralisation in various body areas.
Sporting hematochemical assessment is recommended for athletes of all levels, both competitive and amateur, to maintain physical fitness, improve athletic performance, and reduce post-exercise recovery times. The information gathered allows for the creation of a personalized nutrition plan and a targeted training program to optimize sports results.
Cognitive performance includes a wide range of exercises designed to improve various aspects of brain performance, such as the development of self-confidence, motivation, mental strength, stress and anxiety management, as well as improving technical skills in various situations. Cognitive training aims to maintain or improve a person's abilities by stimulating the brain, promoting brain plasticity, and increasing the number of neural connections.
After an initial assessment using cognitive assessment, it is possible, through non-invasive and scientifically validated solutions, to specifically target the mechanisms of neuronal plasticity with protocols tailored to an individual’s abilities. These protocols are designed to provide useful and meaningful training to each individual, in various areas: attention, cognitive speed, memory, sociability, orientation, and intelligence.
Dry Floating
Dry Floating is an innovative system that provides a sensory deprivation experience – highly effective in alleviating stress, as well as muscular and joint pain, while also fostering development in concentration and creativity. The body lies on top of a tub containing over 400 litres of hot water without actually coming into contact with it. Thanks to the sensation of weightlessness and floating, the body enters a state of total relaxation and inner introspection, promoting optimal psycho-physical recovery and a profound state of well-being.
With its patented membrane enveloping the body, this tub allows you to experience all the benefits of cryotherapy and immersion in ice water without the need to get wet. This makes exposure to the cold safer and more comfortable. The session reaches temperatures between 4°C and 6°C, offering significant benefits typically associated with cold therapy. These include the reduction of muscle and joint pain, rapid sports recovery and strengthening of the immune system. This treatment, which lasts 3-5-7 minutes, guarantees a state of general well-being, while also contributing to stress reduction and stimulating skin rejuvenation.

Performed both manually and using instruments capable of freeing energy blocks, it acts on the tissues of muscles and tendons, toning and regenerating them.
The energetic massage reactivates blood circulation, stimulates and tones the muscular system and skin, reactivates neuromuscular reflexes and lymphatic circulation. The aim of this massage is to free the joints from muscle contractures, reactivate circulation in areas of energy stagnation and eliminate toxins.
Benefits: draining and detoxifying, stimulating and revitalising.

They aim to re-establish the correct circulation of fluids in the body. It is divided into three phases:
- Hydro-aromatherapy: it is a particular hydro-massage technique with the addition of essential oils and mother tinctures. The variations in temperature and water pressure, in addition to the action of plant extracts, act on the vasodilation or vasoconstriction of the capillaries. It ensures a fundamental benefit for the capillaries and for the peripheral blood circulation. Draining and detoxifying effect. Helps eliminate toxins and fats deposited in the tissues. Stimulating and toning effect, to strengthen natural physiological functions, to counteract and protect from damage caused by ageing.
- Plant-based-mud therapy: the mud used in the compresses, soft and pleasant, is enriched with pure microalgae, white or green clays, essential oils and mother tinctures. Draining and detoxifying, stimulating and revitalising. Eliminates stress and physical, nervous and muscular tension.
- Hydro jet: it is the last and third phase of hydro-energy treatments: a jet of water on the body, directed with precision, restores energy and vitality. Benefits: it tones and firms the body.